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For items showing as 'Out of stock' delivery times vary depending on the supplier and whether they themselves have stock.

for items from ALLPARTS USA

  • if Allparts USA have the item in stock it will usually arrive to us in 3-4 weeks
  • if they don't have the item in stock they will be themselves waiting for delivery from the manufacturer which can typically be from 4-8 weeks depending on the manufacture/delivery cycle.

for items from FENDER

  • if Fender have the item in stock at their warehouse in the Netherlands it will take 2-3 weeks to get to us.
  • if they don't have the item in stock due date becomes more uncertain as the parts will have to come from the USA - typical times may be up to 6-8 weeks.

for items from MOJO Musical Supply 

  • for small parts, components and grill cloth & tolex,
  • if Mojo have the item in stock it will take 2-3 weeks to get to us
  • if they don't have it in stock it could take 6-8 weeks.
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