How can I view previous orders?

Helpdesk admin -

Q. My account doesn't show orders I placed before you changed to the new website. Is there a way I can see them? 

A.You can see all of the orders you've placed with us via the Customer portal. This is separate from your webshop account so you'd need to get it activated initially. Once activated you can change the password to match your webshop account to make it simpler for checking orders in the future.

Q. How can I activate my Customer portal?

A. To activate the Customer portal, go to the log in page.

Then click on "Password forgotten? Click here." and enter the same email address that you've used for the webshop.

This will send a randomly generated password to your email address. You can then go back to the log in page, enter your email address and the password you received.

Once you've logged in you can change your password to whatever you like, keeping it the same as the webshop password is advisable to avoid confusion in the future.

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